Gothic 3 german
Gothic 3 german

gothic 3 german

In traditional French Gothic churches, the nave, the long central interior section, was covered by one roof and separated from side aisles with thicker supports and a wall. Another feature of the German Gothic style is hall-churches. While at first, architects adopted the French style, many regional versions of the Gothic style began to develop and German Gothic architecture became known for its enormous towers and spires, that, as a result of their tremendous size, were sometimes left unfinished. Today, there are many traces of German Gothic architecture dotted around the country. Gothic architecture soon found its way to Germany, particularly to cities near the French-German border such as Trier and Heidelburg. Gothic architecture is generally associated with religious architecture, namely the construction of cathedrals.

gothic 3 german

Its construction began in 1163 and was completed in 1345. The Notre-Dame is considered to be an icon of French Gothic architecture and despite being damaged in a fire last year, it remains one of the largest and best-known churches in the world. The beginnings of the Gothic period can be traced back to France around 1140. In comparison, the Gothic style featured stained glass windows, flying buttresses and more light-filled interiors that made use of cavernous spaces. Gothic architecture was in stunning contrast to Romanesque architecture which emphasised few windows, massive stonework and heavy walls. The term Gothic is often used to refer to a turning point and new era of European architecture that is generally seen as starting in the mid 12th century.

Gothic 3 german